Hit the Ceiling?

by | Jun 19, 2024 | Blog

person with a problem

One of the most frequently encountered issues with firms is the struggle to increase production, revenue, and profit.

After the early-day success was established and some organisations brought into the mix by investing in systems, strategic planning, and management, try as you might, profits have levelled out over recent years.

Despite further investment in technology, people, and processes, EBITDA remains stubbornly the same year over year—you’ve hit the ceiling.

There could be a number of causes in this instance, ranging from ‘sacred cows’ to founder/visionary resistance to change to wrong people, wrong seats, or a variety of other issues that could be barriers to growth.

Often, managers and executives responsible for growing the company operate at close quarters and find it difficult, if not impossible, to stand back and take a cold, hard, objective look at the causes of growth prevention. This is natural, as good managers and executives are committed and immersed in the drive for growth.

On these occasions, the presence of a Fractional Integrator—an individual who can provide an objective overview of circumstances—can be invaluable in unblocking obstacles, addressing the ‘elephant in the room’, and pointing the Leadership Team in the right direction.

 As a part-time or Fractional Integrator, you have access to the benefits of experience, guidance, and direction to drive results without the expense of a full-time hire.


By providing Leadership, Management, and Accountability, a Fractional Integrator can lift production and profit levels at an affordable cost to your business.

  • Access to experienced senior executive knowledge, competency, and skill without the expense of an FTE.
  • A qualified resource to add value for businesses in transition, seeking to grow, restructure, or preparing for sale.
  • A fresh pair of eyes looking at company issues objectively, offering different perspectives and solutions, and clearing any barriers to progress.