Fractional Integrator

A Fractional Integrator is a professional who serves as a part-time Integrator for companies implementing the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS). An Integrator is a critical role in EOS, responsible for harmonising and integrating the major functions of the business, ensuring everyone is rowing in the same direction to achieve the company’s Vision.

two person in an office

Reasons to Use a Fractional Integrator

Expertise and Experience

Fractional Integrators bring extensive experience and expertise in EOS implementation. They have a deep understanding of the tools and processes and can effectively lead the leadership team through the EOS journey.


For small to mid-sized companies, hiring a full-time Integrator might not be financially viable. A Fractional Integrator provides the benefits of having an experienced leader without the full-time salary cost.

Objective Perspective

As an external party, a Fractional Integrator can offer an unbiased and objective perspective on the business. They are not entangled in internal politics and can make tough decisions that benefit the organisation as a whole.

Focused Implementation

Fractional Integrators focus on executing the EOS process, ensuring that the company stays on track with its goals and objectives. They help maintain discipline and accountability within the leadership team.


Companies can adjust the engagement level with a Fractional Integrator based on their evolving needs. This flexibility allows businesses to scale their involvement up or down without the complexities of full-time employment commitments.

Benefits for Self-Implementers or Clients Running on EOS

Guidance and Support

Self-implementers can benefit significantly from the guidance and support of a Fractional Integrator. They provide clarity and direction, helping to navigate challenges and avoid common pitfalls in the EOS journey.

Accelerated Progress

With their expertise, Fractional Integrators can accelerate the implementation process, ensuring that the company quickly reaps the benefits of EOS. They help identify and solve issues faster, keeping the company on a forward momentum.

Improved Accountability

Fractional Integrators ensure that everyone in the organisation is accountable for their roles and responsibilities. They help in setting clear goals and regularly reviewing progress, which is crucial for the success of EOS.

Enhanced Leadership

They mentor and coach the leadership team, enhancing their skills and capabilities. This support is invaluable for developing strong leaders who can drive the company towards its Vision.

In summary, a Fractional Integrator is a valuable asset for companies implementing EOS, providing expertise, cost-effective leadership, and a focused approach to achieving business goals. For self-implementers or those running on EOS, they offer the guidance and accountability needed to ensure successful implementation and sustained growth.

Our Fractional Integrators are all highly experience executives & come from one of the following type roles:

CEO (Chief Executive Officer)  |  COO (Chief Operating Officer)  |  COS (Chief of Staff)  |  GM (General Manager)